Freezing delicate objects such as flowers for half a year to see what happens. This was the thought behind cubes. What would happen when you freeze an object that goes away quick. Can it last forever or will it still be fragile. 
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Product Design Tests
As part of my course Product Design I experimented with materials such as jello, water, flowers, sugar and fabric. I experimented with new ways to use the materials and the possibilities with the materials. Here are some pictures of these experiments. Currently I’m developing these materials further with the theme transience
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At the moment I’m working on a project which has Transience as a basis theme. This is part of my graduation project that ends next year. As of now I’m experimenting with the theme and what transience means for me.
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Paper Porcelain
During my free period at my school I chose to learn new techniques and develop a bigger knowledge of materials. Here is one of those techniques, it’s called paper porcelain. It’s a porcelain made out of clay and paper. When you bake it at a high temperature it becomes a sort of porcelain like material.
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Ceramic Glazing
During my free period at my school I chose to learn new techniques and develop a bigger
of materials. 
Here I did some experiments with ceramic glazing to learn more about the material en the possibilities with it.
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During my free period at my school I chose to learn new techniques and develop a bigger knowledge
of materials. Here I did some experiments with weaving to learn more about the material en the
possibilities with it.
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For my first real 3D object during my bachelor period I created a personality cape.  This cape represents me as a person as I see myself and my friends see me.
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Latex faces.
Theme: Identity
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As part of my course Product Design I experimented with the theme 'Fragile'.  
Here you can see some pictures of my research in material en the finished product of my
research which can be used in a future project as starting point.
My main research point during this experiment was the human neck.
Materials are glue gun glue and glass.
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This series of pictures were part of the theater installation ‘Way of Life’. This room in particular was made with the thought of vulnerability of humans.
The posters of this installation can be found under Graphic Design.
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